Opening the door to greater educational opportunities since 1972
Wellesley a better chance FaTHER's Day Weekend virtual 5K
I agree, on behalf of myself and anyone who I have registered as a participant in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5k Run/Walk, that the Wellesley A Better Chance Program, Inc. (“Wellesley ABC”) and all of its officers, employees, directors, volunteers and sponsors shall not be liable for, and shall be released, discharged and held harmless by me, my representatives, agents, heirs and assigns against, all personal injury, property damage and wrongful death arising in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from participation in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5K Run/Walk.
I acknowledge, understand and assume, on behalf of myself and anyone who I have registered as a participant in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5k Run/Walk, that I will be participating in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5K Run/Walk during a time of a national crises arising out of the spread of the coronavirus disease of 2019 (“COVID-19”), that the nature of this spread has created a fluid situation with evolving local, state and federal regulations, rules and guidelines, and I therefore agree on behalf of myself and anyone who I have registered as a participant in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5k Run/Walk, to strictly adhere to all applicable local, state and federal regulations, rules and guidelines, including those created to address the spread of COVID-19.
Publicity Release. I agree on behalf of myself and anyone who I have registered as a participant in The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5k Run/Walk, that still and moving images including photographs and videos (“Images”) posted on the Wellesley A Better Chance Program, Inc. social media accounts directly, or “tagged” to those accounts, may be used by the Wellesley A Better Chance Program, Inc. in connection with marketing, advertising, and/or otherwise promoting The Wellesley ABC Father’s Day Weekend Virtual 5k Run/Walk, and/or the Wellesley A Better Chance, Program, Inc. generally, now or at any time in the future.
This Race Waiver and Release Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without reference to principles governing choice or conflicts of law.